Luke believes that education staff are the real heroes and often they are overworked which may cause teachers to unintentionally fall short.
As educators working with venerable young people, it can often take it out of us and we can forget to take care of ourselves. If we cannot take care of ourselves then how can you expect your staff to take care of your young people? With everything on our plate, educators can sometimes forget why we choose to work in education in the first place. During this time we are at our most venerable. So it's important to remember that...
If it wasn't for the educators in Luke's life then he certainly wouldn't be where he is today. The love, support and overwhelming belief they had in Luke not allowed him to discover the belief in himself but was the platform that enabled him to go on achieve what he has done today.
Let's face it. The educational system has been facing tougher and tougher challenges for years, and that was even before the last few years happened. Teachers and staff are working tirelessly whilst still trying to improve the educational experience and attainment of your students. You’re facing unprecedented challenges. Staff morale is suffering, and government expectations are high.
The education staff was always there for Luke and millions of other young people across the world. You showed up when you were tired and believed in many when they needed you the most. But now it’s time for me to be there for you!
Luke's Believe in Young People keynote is a new talk for 2023. He's combined his personal experiences with working alongside educators over the last eight years to share a talk that is extremely inspiring and life-changing to anyone working in education.
It's heartbreaking that some young people have grown up with nobody believing in them. No one to challenge their limiting beliefs of they're not good enough or that they can't follow their dreams. But Luke's here to change that. He's felt the personal impact that having someone believe in him has impacted him and knows that every child deserves to be believed in. Regardless of where they come from or where they are currently at.

During this talk, Lukes shares his brilliant story with your audience but uses a range of life experiences and stories to bring to life the important messages embedded within the talk. Personally, he's had first-hand experience of the difference it can make to someone's success and attainment when they believe in you. It lights that spark in their belly and can be the difference between keeping on going and giving up. Believing a young person is truly the greatest best gift you can give someone
This talk is perfect for staff training, inset days or conferences themed to inspire your educational staff to believe in the young people they are working with or supporting.
Luke's Believe in Yourself keynote is the most popular talk that he delivers.
When delivering this talk to inspire educators he focuses on sharing his incredible story by bringing to life the challenges and obstacles that he had to overcome like many young people have today.
This talk isn't about getting your staff to do more. You're already doing enough. It's built around the power of believing you can do something as opposed to thinking you can't. And the fantastic thing about the belief in ourselves is that it increases over time, so the more we put the tools and techniques into practice, the stronger and more resilient we become over time.
This talk is perfect for staff training, inset days or conferences themed to inspire your educational staff to believe in the young people they are working with or supporting.

Luke’s wellbeing keynote focuses on the fundamental skills educators need to prioritise their own wellbeing by highlighting the importance of looking after yourself.
We often see the side effects of a workforce that is tired and overworked. Wearing multiple different hats and job roles is a tough ask for anyone. This session strips back the messages that is often shares is goes back to basic with a combination or personal stories and life lessons that your staff with remember for life.
It only takes one teacher or even one conversation to completely change a young person's life forever. So as educators, we need to make sure we are the best version of ourselves mentally, physically and emotionally. Because, if we are not at the top of our game it’s the young people who will suffer.

Luke's Believe in Yourself Workshop is an extension of his most popular keynote.
The session focuses on unlocking what the young people already have inside of them. It focuses on keeping things simple as we learn to re-write a future that we'll be proud of using the past as motivation to make the impossible, possible. All whilst educating and empowering the students on how they can best believe in themselves to unlock their potential.
During the workshop, Luke challenges the students through a range of practical activities, led discussions and personal worksheets that are sure to engage every learner despite their learning style.

The Mental Wellbeing Workshop is a collection of Luke's brilliantly led activities and discussions that allows us to create a safe space where the students be their true self.
During the workshop we use a range of personal stories and opportunities for the young people to learn from each other, finding the perfect balance of connection and inspiration. It focuses on a two-step process of how to spot the signs when we need a little bit of help combined with what can we do to support ourselves. Combining self-awareness and action so everyone can leave knowing that they have done something their future self will thank them for.
At the end of the session the students will have the chance of creating their own Mental Wellbeing toolkit that they can use to support their own wellbeing in times of need.