You're one decision away
from a totally different life.
Going back to school.
Starting a business.
Having more confidence.
Feeling happier.
Finding your passion.
Trust me.
I couldn't believe it either.
Hi, I'm Luke Rees.
In 2012, I thought my life was over. I had
little qualifications and nothing going for me.
No one believed in me. I had hit rock bottom.
The truth is, I was losing the fight living with my anxiety and depression. No matter how tough I pretend to be. Every time I wore a mask I was only trying to convince myself that I was okay when really I wasn't. Most days I struggled just to get out of bed. Every morning, the alarm clock would ring. I knew I should get up but the anxiety rushed in and I’d hit the snooze button instead.
But here’s the thing. I knew I couldn't keep going on like this. I wanted to change. I just couldn’t make myself do it. The smallest things felt impossible. No matter how hard I tried. Nothing changed.
There was always an excuse.
Enough was enough.
Have you ever felt so stuck you wanted to give up? Well, that was me.
One night, I took out a piece of paper and I wrote two words.
This was my only way out. The only opportunity that I had to put a stop to my mental health battle. To do something today that my future self will thank me for. To go and end my own life.
That one sleepless night is one I will always remember. I went back and forth, constantly contemplating if taking my own life was the right option. I didn't know what else I could do. But just when I was about to give up. I asked myself.
Why have I held on for so long?
The fact is if someone came along and picked up my story. Would I be satisfied if I ended my life tonight?
Or do I still want to write the best chapters of my life?
I'm sorry
You have the power to say..
This is NOT how my story will end
I believe that during our darkest moments we discover our true strength. The fact that I made it through that night made me realise that I had already survived my toughest day.
I realised that no one was coming to save me. I had to be the hero of my own story and save myself. So I decided to stop waiting for someone to believe in me and at that very moment. I made a decision. I was going to believe in myself.
Suddenly when I told myself that I can do something rather than normally doubting myself and letting fear taking over and believing that I couldn't do it. I noticed that small things began to change.
I became more confident. I became happier. More importantly, I began seeing light at the end of the tunnel that previously was filled with darkness.
But that got me thinking, surely I'm not the only person who has felt like this?
There must people who have experienced similar to me? What if I could use my story to help others?
So that was it. I decided to open and share my story like never before. I never did it to inspire people or with a goal in mind.
I just thought if by me sharing my story can relate to one person, to show that they're not alone. In our darkest moments, we need to shine bright. So in those dark moments, others can use our light to see their way.
I choose to do my first talk at a school local to me where I lived in 2015.
Was I nervous, yes!
Did I feel like running off stage and forgetting this even happened, definitely!
But was it worth it? Totally.
Once I finished my talk, the buzz I had was indescribable. It was as if I just took on the biggest challenge of my life and won.
After spending years searching for what I was passionate about and what I wanted to do for a living. I finally found it.
But here's the thing. The more talks I delivered the more confident I become. In a short space of time, I went from speaking to local schools in front of a hundred students to being invited to share my story with some of the biggest business' and organisations around the world in front of thousands of people.
Firstly, doing these talks gave me a certain energy that I had never felt before. Secondly, I wanted to change the world. All those years ago, going all-in on my speaking career was a huge risk.
But what started as 1 talk in 2015 to 10 people, has now grown to over 100,000 people all over the world on some of the biggest stages as a
Multi-Award Winning Motivational Speaker.
Sharing my story is how I discovered what I was born to do; to inspire others to believe in themselves to unlock their potential. That's what drives me.
I had to do it for me. Now I'm using my story, to do it for others.